Une erreur que je vois de plus en plus est la mauvaise appellation du cultivar 'Cup Trap' qui n'est pas la bonne orthographe. Le cultivar se nomme
Dionaea muscipula 'Cupped Trap' Les cultivars étant déposés à l'ICPS, il suffit de consulter leur base de données pour trouver ceci:
N: $[Dionaea ' Cupped Trap ' {S.Stewart}]P: Carniv.Pl.Newslett.33:84 (2004)
PW: www.carnivorousplants.org/cpn/Species/v33n3p83_89.html#cupped
S: =[Dionaea muscipula {Soland. ex Ellis}]
B: staff at Agri-Starts III, Inc, Eustis, Fla., USA, 1998
Nominant: S.Stewart, Sanford, Fla., USA
Registrant: S.Stewart, 29. 7. 2003
HC: Registered 30. 12. 2004 {JS}
Description: Carniv.Pl.Newslett.33:84 (2004)
+ "It forms traps that are distinct from all other cultivars of this
+ species, in that the traps are fused at the distal end, forming a
+ cupped appearance when the trap is open. (...) The trap cilia on the
+ margins retain their coiled position until after the traps open,
+ displaying the circinate growth form. Despite these mutations, the
+ traps still effectively capture insects."
Standard: Carniv.Pl.Newslett.33:86 (2004)
Propagation: vegetative
Etymology: because of the strange form of the traps